We’ve heard of Dos & Don’ts before… but have we heard of the online yoga edition? In this article, we’ll cover some basic elements of what you should and shouldn’t be doing during your online yoga teacher training to help you get the most out of your program!
Create space for yourself. When you’re engaging in a course that requires you to carve out specific time to study and practice, it’s important to allow fluctuation. Remember to give yourself space and allow yourself to make adjustments that work for you! Time management can sometimes be overwhelming. Be patient with yourself as you navigate that.
Don’t compare yourself to other students or teachers. This journey is uniquely your own. Everything you learn throughout these online yoga courses are specific to your learning experience. If you start comparing yourself to how other people manage their time, hit certain poses, or digest information, you’ll always feel like you’re competing. When we look outward, we forget the passion we hold inward, and the attention we should be pouring into our own practice gets clouded by the need to go by other peoples’ progress.
Reach out for help. In this world, we’ve had to adjust greatly to translating everything to an online environment – this has been extremely challenging for physical activities like yoga. Being patient and realizing you have resources to depend on will always help you. Remember that you possess the power to put your practice into motion, but it’s the community aspect of yoga that keeps us interconnected and builds us up when we feel confused or overwhelmed.
Forget about your studies. Being back in a learning environment can be tough; learning new materials and learning an abundance of new material can be shocking and may cause your brain to feel a little jumbled. When your brain is feeling a little frazzled, take a step back and reevaluate how you are choosing to digest the information and the frequency in which you are. Perhaps you just need to dedicate a little more physical time on your mat, or maybe you need to dig a little deeper into the vocabulary and the philosophy behind the practice. Whatever it is, make sure you are checking back in with the materials often. Make sure that you are sitting with your mat, often. Enrolling in online yoga teacher training is a commitment, but it can mold to your specific lifestyle.
Value your teachings. Sometimes when we don’t have a physical thing to hold, it can be hard to appreciate it. While the physical materials in an online yoga teacher training are limited, the wealth of knowledge you gain is plentiful. Remember to harness your teachings, however you can. Sit and reflect how this yoga teacher training is helping you elevate to your higher self. Realize the wisdom you hold and the wisdom you gain each and every day you make it a point to learn and practice. Paying for a course means nothing if you can’t find the true value in all that you’re doing. The world of yoga is so vast and has been expanding more and more as time goes on. Grow with the teachings, grow with yourself, show up, stay present and honor all that your brain takes in, even after the teachings are over.
Forget why you started. Becoming certified in yoga can look different for many different people. The most important part for any individual is their “why.” Why did you decide to enroll in online yoga teacher training? Remembering why you started in the first place can help keep you on track.
Thank yourself. YOU brought yourself here. You signed up for the course. All of the work you complete throughout your time in these yoga programs you are doing for YOU. No one is taking attendance, no one is checking in to see how much time you are dedicating to the practice; you are in complete control of your own outcome and what you take away from this journey.
If you’ve ever been interested in enrolling for online yoga teacher training courses, hopefully these pointers were valuable for you!