We officially enter into the more ✨ ethereal ✨ realms of the chakra system. As mentioned in previous posts, there are 7 total chakras. The first 3 (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) are considered the earthly chakras while the last 3 (Throat, Third-eye, Crown) are considered the ethereal/airy chakras with the middle chakra, or the heart chakra, being the bridge to tie them together.
Our fifth chakra is our throat chakra, or Vissudha chakra. Once we’ve left fourth chakra, our heart, we are now asked to take what is within the heart center and express it to the world.
The main concerns of fifth chakra are:
- Voice
- Vibrations
- Communication
- Truth and lies
- Creativity
Symbols in the form of words, images, and thoughts are also a major component of fifth chakra.
Everything vibrates with a particular frequency which can be intentionally affected. Have you ever felt like you’re on the same wavelength as another person? Or have you ever experienced something that you referred to as a coincidence? This type of synchronization, or being in resonance with another or the universe, is the work of fifth chakra. We tend to resonate most profoundly when we ourselves are in alignment and when we are living in full expression.
A solid foundation, understanding of one’s emotions, a sense of self, balance, and intimacy are all required in order to freely express oneself creatively and effectively. And once this happens, we start to prepare to not only express ourselves but to really trust ourselves which is the work of fifth chakra.
Supporting Pose #1: Supported Fish (Matsyasana)
Firming the upper back in is important for bridge pose. It’s important to remember that our upper back should have movement so that there is not too much pressure on the lower spine.
How to:
- Set up your blocks with one block on the horizontal medium height and the next block on the vertical high height.
- Lie down so that the horizontal block is going across the upper/mid back (around where a bra strap would fall) and the skull resting on the vertical block. The head should be in a more or less neutral position with the chin slightly tucked.
- Reach the legs long towards the front of the mat and stay for ~2 minutes.
Supporting Pose #2: Crescent Lunge with Clasped Hands (Anjaneyasana)
Crescent lunge is an appropriate pose for backbend prep as it helps to open the front of the hip. Hands clasped behind the back is an appropriate variation as the hands are behind the back in the peak pose.
How to:
- From low lunge with the right leg forward, place the back knee to the ground.
- Press the sacrum forward and roll to the top of the left kneecap.
- Reach the arms behind the lower back and clasp your hands.
- Press your knuckles down and back to firm the upper back in and lift the chest.
Supporting Pose #3: Half Moon Bow Pose (Ardha Chandrasana Chapasana)
Half moon can teach the practitioner to open the front body by pressing the sacrum forward. The bow pose variation is perfect as it teaches all necessary elements of a backbend with the arm behind the back.
How to:
- From triangle pose with the right leg forward, go forward to take the weight of the body onto the right leg and stretch the chest forward.
- Straighten both legs so that the standing leg is straight and the top leg is straight and aiming towards the back of the room.
- Take the bottom hand to the ground or to a block. I like using a block because it helps me to take the chest forward as opposed to down towards the floor.
- Reach the top left arm behind the lower back and simultaneously bend the left knee to catch the left foot with the left hand.
- Kick the left foot into the hand, firm the left shoulder blade in, and press the sacrum forward to come into the backbend.
Peak Pose: Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Bridge pose is a wonderful pose to tend to fifth chakra. The compressing of the throat area almost massages the area bringing fluid to the throat to lubricate the muscles and surrounding tissues in order to support healthy expression.
How to:
- Lie on your back with the knees bent and soles of the feet flat on the ground.
- Press the backs of the shoulders into the ground to widen your collarbones. It might help/feel good to bend your elbows at 90 degrees to press the backs of the arms/backs of the shoulders into the ground.
- On an inhale, lift your pelvis off the ground. Try to keep your toes moving directly forward.
- Straighten your arms along the floor and then walk your shoulder blades together on the back. You can interlace your hands along the ground under your lower back if that feels okay for you.
- Ensure the only places touching the floor are your feet, shoulders and arms, and back of the skull. *The neck should not be flat to the ground. The natural curve of the cervical spine should be present.