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Man in a perfect down dog pose on a yoga mat in front of windows

Tips for a Perfect Down Dog

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training

Downward Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha ShvanasanaĀ in Sanskrit, is a very common pose in a flowing sequence yoga class. This asana is an integral piece of Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutations, and is very popular. The pose is technically an inversion, which means your body is tilted in a way so that your heart is elevated over your head.

Down dog is also commonly depicted as the most popular/universal pose representing the yoga practice because of how frequently it is used in a flow.

In this video, Patrick shares a 5 simple tricks that will get you into the perfect down dog, every single time. We’ve summarized the tips below:

Step #1: Lie on your belly

Step #2: Hands under your elbows with feet about one foot apart

Step #3:Ā Curl your toes under without moving your hands and your feet

Step #4:Ā Lift your hips

Step #5:Ā Straighten your legs

What are the benefits of downward facing dog?

The yoga practice has been known to provide multiple benefits to its practitioners on and off the mat. As we look at Downward Facing Dog, we can explore some of the physical aspects of the pose that make it beneficial to the body, but also how those physical aspects play alongside the mental part of our being.

Physical benefits of Downward Facing Dog:

  1. More flexibility in the hamstrings
  2. Increased mobility
  3. Stretching of the low back
  4. Lengthening of the spine
  5. Strengthening of the shoulders

Mental benefits of Downward Facing Dog:

  1. More focus and attention on the breath, which calms the mind
  2. Decrease in stress
  3. Increase in blood flow to the heart, alleviating sluggishness
  4. Energizes the brain
  5. Enhanced focus and concentration

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Weekly Class Theme: Roots

By Yoga Teachers

If you think about the roots of a plant, they burrow down into the soil. The roots are necessary for the plant to grow, receive nutrients, and stand tall. The same way that plants have roots, as do we.

Our roots can be referred to as our ancestral line which includes our parents/caretakers and generations before. Our roots can also be referred to as our past, going way back into our childhood and even into the womb. Our roots can also be referred to as how we choose to ground ourselves in the present moment.

Broadly speaking, I think that when we talk about our ā€œrootsā€ we can really refer to all of the above as a way to reference how we show up in the world today. How we grow, the nutrients we receive and how we receive them, and the foundation by which we stand on our own two feet are set long before this present day.

Who we are today, is whether we like it or not, dictated by our roots. The things that we do, the way we see the world, and our beliefs and values are shaped by those before us. Thatā€™s not to say that it has to remain that way. As we start to awaken to the conscious journey, we may start to understand in what way our roots have been serving us or not serving us.

I would say that if you are alive and reading this article, your roots have served you well. However, you may also agree that things from your past show up in your present self which you might wish to change. There may be thought or behavioral patterns that you feel are no longer serving you and to achieve your highest and best self it may be necessary to pivot.

In order to pivot though, we still need to turn to our roots to understand where we came from and where we would like to go. So I guess, no matter what, we always have our roots to thank because they have gotten us to where we are right now.

Supporting Pose 1: Cow Face Pose Arms (Gomukhasana)

Person doing Cow Face pose arms on a yoga mat

Cow Face Pose arms are a great way to teach movement and action in the arms, shoulders, chest, and upper back. Binding is way more than just bringing the hands together, the entire shoulder girdle has to work synchronously in order to join the hands and ultimately create more space. In the case of Marichyasana, the practitioner is binding around the leg, so this pose here allows us to focus on just the arm movements for the time being bringing in other elements later on in the sequence.

How to:

  1. Stand in Upward Hands pose (Urdhva Hastasana).
  2. Bend your right elbow and bring the right hand towards the upper back. Notice any compensation in the spine and rib basket here. Try to keep the spine [more-or-less] neutral.
  3. Swim the left arm around the back by reaching the whole arm back. Draw the left shoulder blade towards the spine to widen the chest. Then bend the left arm so the left hand also comes towards the upper back.
  4. Join the hands together and use the bind as an anchor to stretch the spine and lift the chest. Look straight ahead to ensure the chin isnā€™t tucked towards the chest.

Pro tip: You can use a belt for this posture. To set it up, place the belt over the right shoulder. Follow the steps above, but instead of connecting the hands, the hands will connect to the belt. Use the strap to walk the hands towards one another.

Supporting Pose 2: Sugarcane Pose (Ardha Chandra Chapasana)

Person doing Sugarcane pose on a yoga mat

Sugarcane is appropriate for our peak pose because it teaches the ā€œswimming backā€ of the top arm to reach the foot which assists in the appropriate action of the shoulder blade in binding. It also requires the practitioner to fold the top leg in order to connect hand and foot before coming into the backbend.

How to:

  1. Start in Triangle pose (Trikonasana).
  2. Shift the weight onto the front leg and come into half-moon with the top leg extending straight to the back of the room.
  3. Roll the torso towards the sky as you open to the side wall.
  4. Fold the top leg bringing the heel towards the bum and swim the top arm back to grab hold of the foot. Move the shoulder blade towards the spine as you do so.
  5. Once the hand and foot are connected, gently press the foot into the hand to roll the chest towards the sky, firm the sacrum towards the pubis, and come into a backbend.

Supporting Pose 3: Devotional Warrior (Baddha Virabhadrasana)

Person doing Devotional Warrior pose on a yoga mat

Anything with the hands behind the back is a good prep for binding since it shifts the focus to the movement of the shoulder blades in order to move the arms. This pose in particular is great for Marichyasana because it also brings the head down towards the floor, guiding the practitioner in an appropriate direction according to the peak pose.

How to:

  1. Start in Warrior I. For this pose, widen the feet towards the long edges of the mat to create more stability through the transition and also to maintain balance in the actual pose.
  2. Swim the arms behind the back and notice the movement of the shoulder blades coming together to clasp the hands.
  3. Fold forward towards the inside of the front leg. Draw the front hip back to maintain [more-or-less] squared hips to the front of the room.
  4. Stretch the arms towards the sky to continue bringing the shoulder blades towards one another while the head goes down.

Peak Pose: Marichi Pose (Marichyasana I)

Person doing Marichyasana I on a yoga mat with a blanket beneath their sitting bones

This pose is to honor Sage Marichi who is said to be one of the wise lords who heard Brahmaā€™s words and translated them into Sanskrit. From these words, came the divine laws of the universe. This pose helps to stretch the spine and shoulders and brings the head down to rejuvenate the body and allows the practitioner to turn inward. The way the shape folds into itself and wraps around itself reminds me of the roots that we all have and can lean into for introspection and growth.

How to:

  1. Sit on a folded blanket with the sit bones on the blanket and the legs straight on the floor.
  2. Fold your right leg bringing your heel towards your bum. The more folded the leg, the less distance the arm has to travel around the leg.
  3. Lean forward and then reach the right arm forward like you are reaching towards the front of the room.
  4. Swim the arms behind your back. Yes, now your right arm is going around the right shin. Your hands will meet somewhere behind the right hip as opposed to behind the back.
  5. Once the hands are joined (you can use a belt), extend the heart forward and then fold bringing your nose towards your left knee. Keep the left leg clear and straight.
Women doing Gyan Mudra

Make Mudrās Part of your Yoga Practice

By Meditation, Yoga Asana

As we often hear, yoga is a practice; yet it is also a journey. I like to describe yoga as a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. A yoga practice guides you to embark on this journey to nourish your mind and body, and cultivate inner peace and well-being.

We navigate this journey by incorporating different techniques, one being mudrās. Mudrās are practiced in many different ways. However, usually when you think about mudrās, you think of a hand gesture or hand position. Technically speaking these are hasta mudrās, hasta meaning hand in Sanskrit.

Hasta mudrās are hand gestures and positions commonly used in yoga, meditation, dance, and Ayurveda. Through yogic philosophies, these gestures are understood to have powerful effects on the mind and body, and have been practiced for thousands of years in India and other parts of the world.

In this blog post, we will explore what mudrās are, how they work, and some popular mudrās to try.

Types of Mudrās

Did you know there is more to mudrās than just gestures with your hands? There are a few categories of mudrās, for example:

  • Hasta mudrās, which are done with your hands and can be practiced with āsana or meditation. There are various positions for the thumb, fingers and hands to help balance the elements in the body.
  • Māna mudrās, which are done with the head, tongue, eyes, nose, ears, lips, hands, etc. Māna mudrās incorporate the senses. (jnana indriyas)
  • Kaya mudrās focus on postures made with the whole body, similar to āsanas. Kaya mudrās focus on the flow of prāį¹‡a and the chakras while cultivating a meditative focus and are held for multiple minutes at a time.
  • Bandha mudrās which focus on the energy locks in the body. The energy locks are the pelvic floor, abdomen, and throat. You may have learned about bandhas before. Did you know they are also considered a mudrā?
  • Adhara mudrās involve the pelvic floor and focuses on meditation with the chakras.

Now that you know there are multiple categories of mudrās, what does the word mudrā mean? If all these different categories are considered mudrās, what do they all have in common?

A quick way to define mudrās:

The word mudrā comes from the Sanskrit language meaning ā€œsealā€ or ā€œgesture.ā€ Mudrās are a form of non-verbal communication that involves the use of the hands, fingers, and sometimes the whole body. Mudrās are meant to create a circuit of energy in the body and stimulate different parts of the brain.

A more comprehensive definition:

Letā€™s break down the Sanskrit word mudrā. MUD (delight or pleasure) and DRĀ (to draw forth). This means that mudrās bring forth/draw forth happiness, delight, bliss, pleasure, etc. Practicing mudrās has a special purpose.

Mudrās are often used in yoga and meditation to enhance focus, relaxation, balance the body and mind, and enhance spiritual connection. They can also be used for physical and emotional healing, as well as for specific therapeutic purposes.

How Do Mudrās Work?

Mudrās are meant to work by stimulating specific parts of the body and brain through the use of pressure points and energy channels. In yogic philosophy, the human body has a complex network of energy channels, known as nāįøÄ«s, which carry life force energy, or prāį¹‡a.

In other words, mudrās move prāį¹‡a. Prāį¹‡a is our vital energy that gives us life. It is the force that allows us to breathe, move, think, and feel. In our yoga practice we use various techniques to balance and change the flow of prāį¹‡a in our body. By doing so, we can improve our health, increase our vitality, and connect with ourselves and the world around us more authentically.

Some examples of these techniques are:

  1. Āsanas (postures that are seated, standing, reclined, etc.)
  2. Pranayama (breathing exercises that may be slow or quick, etc.)
  3. Mudrās (hasta mudrās, kaya mudrās, bandha mudrās, etc.)

Mudrās and the Elements:

Mudrās also interact with the five elements of the body and the natural universe: fire, air, space/ether, earth, and water. Each finger is associated with a specific element, and different mudrās are practiced to activate, relax, and/or balance these elements in the body.

  • Thumb: Fire (Agni)
  • First Finger: Air (Vayu)
  • Second Finger: Space/Ether (Akasha)
  • Third Finger: Earth (Prithvi)
  • Fourth Finger: Water (Jala/Varuna)

Mudrās & Mindfulness Course

Each element above corresponds to an hasta mudrā that you can practice. Learn about these and more in my exciting new course offered at Yoga Renew! This course is online and self-paced. Discover the power of mudrās and their ability to enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing with Mudrās & Mindfulness!

This course specifically focuses on hasta mudrās. You will learn the history and science of mudrās, along with explanations of twenty hasta mudrās to practice and/or incorporate in your yoga and meditation classes. The Mudrās & Mindfulness course offers informative and engaging lessons; perfect for any yoga teachers or students looking to learn more about mudrās and the practice of yoga.

Three Popular Mudrās to try today:

There are hundreds of mudrās, each with its own specific benefits and uses. To try these mudrās below, first find a comfortable place to sit. Practice these mudrās for two minutes each. Calmly breathing, your eyes can softly close, and notice the difference in your mind, body, and heart!

  1. Chin Mudrā (Mudrā of Consciousness): Chin mudrā is one of the most commonly used mudrās in yoga and meditation. It is performed by touching the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, while keeping the other fingers extended, with the palms facing up. Chin mudrā is uplifting and guides you to become more receptive to your breath and awareness. This mudrā benefits concentration, inner focus, and guides you to tune into your intuition.
  2. Gyan Mudrā (Mudrā of Knowledge, sometimes spelled Jnana Mudrā): Gyan mudrā is practically identical to chin mudrā, except the palms are facing down. With the palms facing down, this gesture guides you to ground and relaxes your body. This mudra enhances concentration, memory, and creativity. This mudra helps you to honor the wisdom within your body.
  3. Padma Mudrā (Lotus Mudrā): Lotus mudrā begins with the hands together in prayer at heart center. The thumbs, pinky fingers, and lower palms stay touching while the first, second, third finger, and upper palms open and widen like a blooming lotus flower. This mudrā helps to open your heart space and to welcome kindness and compassion towards yourself and others.

When Should I Be Practicing Mudrās?

You can incorporate mudrās into your yoga and/or meditation practice daily or as often as youā€™d like. You can practice an hasta mudrā anywhere from one minute, five minutes, ten minutes or thirty minutes. Sometimes it is best to practice the mudrā in smaller increments of time. For example, if you want to practice a mudrā for twenty minutes total, be in the mudrā for five minutes four times a day. There is no right or wrong way to practice them and you can always do what is best for you.

When Can I Use Mudrās?

You can also incorporate hasta mudrās in other activities, as well. Maybe while you are walking you can hold a mudrā in the pocket of your sweatshirt or when you are sitting on the bus or the train. You can also practice a mudrā while laying down before going to sleep. Overall, you can practice mudrās anytime and anywhere!
The study of yoga is vast and encompasses so much history. I am grateful to share some of that history with you about mudrās today.

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Person in purple leggings in plow pose

Weekly Class Theme: Planting Seeds

By Yoga Teachers

Spring has officially sprung! Spring generally means warmer weather, flowers blooming, and longer days of sunlight compared to the winter months. Animals and people alike begin to come out of their dwellings to spend time in the warmer and more sunlit air. Things just feel different, am I right?!

Energetically speaking, spring is a powerful time as it signals the beginning of a new cycle of life. Itā€™s the time for new beginnings and to start planting some seeds for our projects to come. Weā€™re just coming off of our hibernation period. Those darker, colder months arenā€™t for nothing! Winter is the time for us to fold into ourselves, to reflect, and to let ourselves rest so that we can prepare for this time right now.

Springtime is the perfect time for us to be planting seeds. What are those ideas that have been bubbling to the surface in your mind? What are the dreams which came to you during your restful time of winter? What realizations about yourself are you looking to integrate into this current version of you?

Now is the time to take our reflections and to begin to plot them within our lives and within the garden of our being. The same way we would plant seeds for new plants to grow and flourish in an actual garden in our backyards, we are given the opportunity to do the exact same within ourselves. Once those seeds have been planted, we can continue to tend to them throughout the spring and the hope is that by summer we have a lush garden full of the most beautiful plants and flowers.

So letā€™s get planting! There is no better time than now.

Supporting Pose 1: Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

Happy baby gets us going in a similar physical direction towards plow. Weā€™re coming into a compact shape while on our backs and in a fairly familiar manner…

How to get into Happy Baby:

  1. Lie on the back and bring the knees in towards the armpits.
  2. Take the soles of the feet towards the sky and widen the legs so the shins are more or less perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Thread the arms along the inner lines of the legs and take hold of the outer edges of the feet.
  4. Draw the thighs towards the torso and settle the sacrum and head towards the floor.

Supporting Pose 2: Wide Leg Forward Fold with Clasped Hands (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Girl in wide leg forward fold with her hands clasped behind her back

Wide leg forward fold can pretty much work for any peak pose, but in this case it works wonderfully because the pose is well, a forward fold similar to plow. The hands clasped behind the back brings attention to the upper back and this is an area of the body that deserves attention when weā€™re in plow pose.

How to get into Wide Leg Forward Fold with Clasped Hands:

  1. Stand facing the side wall with the feet about 3 feet apart and parallel to one another.
  2. Bring the hands behind the lower back and interlace the fingers. If the hands will not bind, hold onto a strap.
  3. Firm the upper back in and fold between the legs and towards the floor.
  4. Take the hands up and over your head towards the side wall.

Supporting Pose 3: Eagle (Garudasana)

Eagle is yet another posture that can have a forward folding aspect. I also like eagle in terms of plow because itā€™s a standing pose that allows the practitioner to fold into oneself and to bring everything towards the midline.

How to get into Eagle Pose:

  1. From a standing position, wrap your right leg around your left leg crossing at the knees and potentially wrapping the right foot around the left calf.
  2. Wrap your right arm under your left arm crossing at the elbows and potentially crossing at the wrists to bring the palms together.
  3. Bend the knees to lower the hips down as if you were sitting into a chair.
  4. Round the spine forward to bring the elbows towards the knees. This is a variation on eagle.

Lastly, our Peak Pose: Plow (Halasana)

Person in purple leggings in plow pose

Plow seems like the perfect pose for our topic at hand, no?! Plow contains elements of a forward fold and an inversion, which is perfect for the introspection necessary to prepare our soil to plant seeds.

How to get into Plow Pose:

  1. Create your set up by stacking [at least] two blankets on top of each other at the back of your mat with the fringes facing the top edge of the mat.
  2. Fold the top edge of your mat over your blankets, but leave a couple inches of space between the edge of the blankets and the edge of the mat. This will create more stability and less sliding.
  3. Lie down over your blanket and mat set up with your shoulders about an inch (or thumbā€™s length) away from the edge of the blankets. Your shoulders should be completely supported by the blankets/mat and your head should be completely on the ground. This is to maintain the natural curve of your cervical spine.
  4. Push your hands into the ground to bolster your legs to the sky and bring the legs over your head to the floor behind you.
  5. Bring your hands to your lower back. Keep the elbows firmed in and the upper back firm.
  6. Press the toes into the floor and press the backs of the knees towards the ceiling.
  7. Breathing should remain calm and steady.
  8. To exit, slowly return your legs to the sky and use your arms/hands as bakes to slowly lower your legs to the ground.

Yoga Retreat Horror Stories

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teachers

I have always loved to travel, so when I began teaching yoga, I naturally also wanted to lead yoga retreats. Yoga retreats are a great way to share what you love and explore either a brand new place or take participants to your favorite location. They present a beautiful opportunity to bring a group of like-minded people to one destination.

Iā€™ve been on quite a few retreats and Iā€™ve led many of my own. My love for yoga has taken me to Mexico, India, Costa Rica, Peru, Morocco, Dominica, Cambodia, and the list goes on. On paper and on my social media, these experiences might look like they were cleanly executed, smoothly operated, drama-free experiences. The reality is that there were a few stomach viruses, hospital visits, robberies, and missed flights.

On the other end of that, there were plenty of smiles, new friendships, adventures, opportunities for growth, unforgettable moments, breathtaking sights, once in a lifetime experiences, bucket list cross-offs, and so many more positive memories than difficult ones. Looking back, I can honestly say that I wouldnā€™t change the majority of anything I did. However, there are definitely some major things that I wish Iā€™d done differently, or known about beforehand.

I couldnā€™t get out of bed for twelve hours straight

Before the start of one retreat, I arrived a few days before the rest of the participants were scheduled to get there. I like to do this so I can get acclimated to the area and learn about certain shops or restaurants. I was staying in a really mellow surf town near the beach and got to know some of the locals. They had mentioned that there was a really bad stomach virus going around and almost everyone in the area was out for a few days at a time with it. I didnā€™t pay too much attention because Iā€™d never gotten sick in a tropical place before and honestly believed I was somehow immune to whatever was going around.

The next night, I woke up drenched in sweat and realized that I was in fact not immune to what was going around. Iā€™ll spare the details, but it was really bad. Luckily, I had access to fresh coconut water and I also had activated charcoal tablets. I also didnā€™t have to be anywhere for a day or two, so I had time to allow the virus to pass through me.

A stomach virus, or anything that prevents you from functioning properly, may be unavoidable when youā€™re on a yoga retreat. You can be prepared for whatever may manifest by:

  1. Researching local pharmacies near your location in advance
  2. Packing items like activated charcoal or Imodium
  3. Talking to locals about how they stay healthy and vibrant
  4. Exploring local shops with natural remedies
  5. Arriving a little earlier to adjust to the area

You canā€™t predict sickness or how anyone will react to local food or water, but you can try your best to be prepared for the worst

My then boyfriend (now ex) had to be rushed to the hospital

This may sound like a no-brainer for some of you, but I had to learn about the importance of travelers insurance the hard way. When I was co-leading another retreat, my boyfriend at the time was on the retreat as a participant. He insisted on getting travelers insurance before we left and I honestly didnā€™t understand why. Iā€™d already traveled to so many places in the world and I never needed it for anything.

On the retreat, we had a mountain biking adventure scheduled for the participants. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and everyone was really excited. About halfway through the excursion, my then-boyfriend fell off his bike and was injured really badly. Since we were in the mountains, it took a while to get him to a hospital. When we did, he was fully taken care of and all expenses were covered by his travelers insurance.

Whether youā€™re on an adventure-focused retreat or a leisurely getaway at a resort, itā€™s important to be prepared for any type of accident by:

  1. Requiring all participants to obtain travelers insurance. Itā€™s really affordable and itā€™ll cover most hospital stays, medication, and so much more
  2. Consider co-leading the retreat with another person in case someone has to travel with an injured participant
  3. Research where all hospitals or medical centers are located before you arrive
  4. Make sure all participants sign a liability waiver
  5. Talk to your point of contact at your destination about the pros and cons of including certain activities
  6. No one wants to think about someone getting hurt and needing medical attention, but itā€™s much better to be prepared and informed should something happen

I barely missed an armed robbery

You can be in one of the safest cities in the world and still experience crime. This specific retreat was a little ā€œoff the beaten pathā€ and a short bike ride away from some secluded beaches and cute cafes. On some retreats, there may be free time where nothing is scheduled and you have an opportunity to leave the group and go off on your own. One night, a few participants went out to explore the beach but I was too tired and decided to stay in.

Two of the people came back telling the group they were robbed at gunpoint and their wallets, phones, and passports were stolen. Everyone was okay and their passports were recovered, but no one wants to experience something like that on a yoga retreat!

Some big safety rules that I follow when traveling alone and also when bringing groups of people on retreats are:

  1. Never carry anything valuable with you and leave all important items in your locations safe or with someone who is staying at the retreat center
  2. Donā€™t assume that quiet and secluded spots are safe because theyā€™re in a touristy area
  3. Make copies of your passport, drivers license, and any other important documents in case any of them are lost or stolen
  4. Encourage participants to stay with the group
  5. Create a ā€œThings To Knowā€ document for your participants and include safety information about the area

We donā€™t live in a perfect world, but you can create a safe environment for your retreat if you provide the right information and encourage your participants to stay safe.

I lost my wallet at the airport

I used to pride myself on being incredibly organized and being a really smart traveler. Iā€™d never lost anything in another country and Iā€™d always been really efficient at every airport Iā€™d ever been to. When I was boarding my flight back home, I reached into my bag for my wallet only to realize it wasnā€™t there.

Despite getting to the airport three hours early, there were a ton of delays at check-in and throughout each security checkpoint. I thought I was going to miss my flight, but I made it to the gate right on time. I was out of breath, sweaty, and not the way I wanted to feel post-yoga retreat when I realized my wallet was gone. Iā€™d left it at one of the security checkpoints and luckily, the pilot told me I had time to run and get it.

You, or your retreat participants, can be organized and still misplace or lose something. Airport stress, crowded marketplaces, new cities, and outdoor adventures can cause anyone to feel really frazzled. Some tips to avoid losing important things are:

  1. Try not to carry too many bags and encourage your participants to pack light
  2. Have a designated place for items like your wallet, passport, and boarding passes
  3. Arrive as early as you can to your scheduled flights and any excursions
  4. Tell someone you trust where you have your valuables
  5. Remind participants that theyā€™re responsible for their own personal belongings, but be prepared to help if someone loses something important. You may have to talk to airport security or hotel managers

I wouldn’t have left my wallet like that if I had a specific spot for it and if I were a little more calm. A lot of unnecessary travel anxiety can be avoided if you prepare, stay organized, and arrive early.

Remember to have fun

The biggest mistake Iā€™ve ever made on a yoga retreat was forgetting to take some deep breaths and have a good time. Itā€™s easy to get caught up in logistics, everyone’s unique needs, jetlag, and everything else that comes with traveling. As a yoga retreat leader, I always want everyone to have a good time and I want everything to run as smoothly as possible. Sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes they donā€™t.

Yoga has taught me to take any mishaps and figure out how to switch gears and make it work. Iā€™ve learned to prepare but not be too attached to plans. Iā€™ve also learned that I need to let go of expectations and enjoy my time when things run smoothly. The opportunity to travel and practice yoga in beautiful places is truly a gift and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

ā€” Written by our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training mentor and Ayurveda Coach, Lisa Bermudez Lisa Bermudez of YogaRenew

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Woman in Side Plank

Weekly Class Theme: Seva

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teachers

In a world of greed, selfish desire, and pain how do we open our hearts to love, compassion, abundance and connection? How do we contribute our highest form of self to the world when it is so easy to be entangled within our attachments, such as money, promotions, and material things which seemingly bring promise of better life?

The answer is Seva. Seva means ā€œselfless service,ā€ which is pretty self-explanatory but is best interpreted as doing work not for the fruits of your own actions, but for the betterment of the world at large. Within the Bhakti Yoga system, Seva specifically means doing oneā€™s duty in life with the only intention of serving divinity and the highest good of humanity directly or indirectly.

As a Yoga practitioner, it is likely that your perspective of life has widened. You might very well believe and truly see that this hamster wheel of wake, work, sleep, repeat is not the way to experience life and experience true inner peace. You might also be in the throes of such a cycle. Your job might provide stability and security which is necessary to navigate life. The obligations that you tend to on a daily basis might provide sustenance towards yours and your loved onesā€™ preferred lifestyle. In essence, what Iā€™m saying is that you might not want to make vast changes right now. It very well may feel in alignment for you to stay put even if you donā€™t feel complete and total satisfaction.

So what might be the remedy? How can we take our actions, current and future, and fill it with love? The answer is Seva. By participating in Seva we instantly open our hearts to the present moment. Whatever it is that we are doing is for another and in that way we have the ability to heal our hearts, expand our love, compassion, and abundance, and ensure that our intentions are pure and honest. When we shift our focus of what weā€™re doing and why weā€™re doing it from our own thoughts of greed and desire towards thoughts of contribution, love and divinity, we give ourselves the space to step into each moment as our highest and best selves regardless of the task at hand.

For anything that you do in life, if you firmly believe that you are contributing to a greater good, the way you show up will be different. And even if youā€™re not directly doing service such as feeding the homeless, participating in a trash clean-up, or volunteering for an organization you are indirectly contributing to the goodness which is ever-present and transcendent.

Disclaimer: By following the path of consciousness, there is a high chance that you will realize the hamster wheel youā€™re on is not the only path towards stability, security, and sustenance. There may very well be another path which provides those things in addition to total fulfillment and true inner peace.

Supporting Pose 1: Open Wing

Person in open wing or broken wing pose on a yoga mat

Open wing gets right into opening the inner arm, which again is connected to the entangled organs of the heart and lungs. This pose is helpful to organize the tissues of the arm and chest to go in the direction of side plank.

How to get into open/broken wing:

  1. Lie on your belly with the right arm extended out to the right at about shoulder level.
  2. Spread your fingers and slowly roll onto your right so that you are lying on your right leg, hip, side body, chest, and head.
  3. Crawl your right fingertips out as you do so.
  4. You can organize your legs in a variety of ways. Stacking the legs with straight or bent legs might feel good. Bending the top leg and placing the foot ahead or behind the bottom leg might feel good also. Note: stacking the legs in some way will closely resemble the legs in side plank.
  5. You can take the top arm in a variety of variations as well, including a half bind, you can keep the hand on the floor in front of you, or resting on your torso.
  6. Try to let your head rest either on the floor, a block, or a blanket.

Supporting Pose 2: Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Person in downward dog on a yoga mat

Downward Facing Dog stretches the arms and chest while also teaching good foundation in the hands.

How to get into downward facing dog:

  1. From a tabletop position, spread the fingers and press through the fingertips, the pointer finger and thumb, and the four corners of the palm. The four corners of the palm are: base of pointer finger, base of little finger, inner heel and outer heel of the hand.
  2. Lift the center of the palm up for Hasta Bandha, which is similar to lifting the inner arch of the foot.
  3. Walk the knees back a touch, then lift the knees off the floor, straighten the legs, and straighten the arms to reach the hips up and back.
  4. Keep the foundation of the hands and turn the creases of the elbows forward to lengthen the arms.
  5. Relax the head between the arms.

Supporting Pose 3: Half Moon (Ardha Chapasana)

Person in half moon pose with a block under their bottom hand

Half Moon has many similarities to side plank including the spreading of the hands, arms, and chest. The top leg is also in similar form relative to side plank.

How to get into half moon pose:

  1. From triangle pose, bend your front (right) knee to shift the weight forward.
  2. Take your right hand to the floor or block and lift your back leg.
  3. Press the right hand down to stretch the right arm and reach your left arm and hand straight up to the ceiling. Spread your fingers.
  4. Reach the ball of the left foot back and spread your toes.
  5. Your gaze can either face the side wall or follow the left hand to the ceiling.

Peak Pose: Side Plank (Vasisthasana)

Person in a side plank pose on a yoga mat

Side plank is a very appropriate pose for our topic of seva! Seva requires us to offer our heart through all that we do. This pose requires good organization of the arms and hands. The arms and hands are connected to the heart and lungs via meridians, blood vessels, and soft tissues. So the way we place, stretch, and coordinate our arms and hands affects the stimulation of the heart and lungs. Furthermore, this pose stretches the tissues across the chest and upper back making way for the heart to expand.

How to get into side plank:

  1. Start in downward facing dog.
  2. Maintain the foundation in the arms and hands from DFD (press the four corners of the palm down, lift the center of the palm, spread the fingers away from one another, and stretch the arms).
  3. Keep the right hand on the floor.
  4. Bring the legs together and swivel the heels (with control) to the right so that your left foot stacks directly on top of the right foot and the toes face the side wall. Spread your toes.
  5. Take the inner right elbow towards the front of the room and continue to stretch the arm (without hyperextending) while the left arm reaches straight to the ceiling. Spread the fingers. To avoid hyperextending, try engaging the bicep and tricep to support the straightening of the arm.
Revolved Head to Knee Pose

Weekly Class Theme: Prana

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teachers

ā€œEveryone desires more life energy. If energy could be packaged and sold in a shop, it would be the most successful business ever.ā€

This is a quote from the book, Light on Life by B.K.S. Iyengar at the beginning of the chapter dedicated to prana.

If you are a yoga practitioner, it is likely youā€™ve heard this word prana. You may have done study on prana and you might participate in pranayama practices, but what actually is prana?

Prana is the vital life force energy that is present within all beings and all of reality. It manifests physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and it is the breath of life within all living forms. Every vibrational energy which exists is prana. Itā€™s hard to even define because it is that all-encompassing.

Some things that prana is NOT: It is not the breath, although breathing is a manifestation of prana. Prana cannot be seen or picked up. Prana is not a particular substrate. It is simply, and not so simply, the vital energy which is always present before, during, and after life.

Pranayama and Prana are not the same, although they feature the same word. While prana refers to life force energy, pranayama refers to breathing practices which help to expand, move, organize, and control prana. You might have realized that when you began to practice yoga, your world shifted. Your perspective on life might have widened and after practice you might feel yourself shift into a higher frequency state. This is because of an increase in prana. Thatā€™s of course wonderful, however, If you continue to increase the available prana with no sense of organization or control, this could lead to some unfavorable circumstances such as combustion, depression from mental extremities, or unsteadiness of breath and body just to name a few.

This hopefully does not deter you or scare you in any way, but this is merely meant to point out the power and importance of pranayama practice in tending to prana. Asana helps to and is necessary to prepare the body for pranayama. With consistency, appropriate guidance, determination, and patience your practice can help you access this illuminating and transcendent tool. And guess what? It cannot be bought in a package, it is always available to you, and it is completely free…

Supporting Pose 1: Easy Seat with a Side Stretch (Sukhasana)

Easy seat is fairly accessible for a wide variety of people. Because class is often started from this position, you can pretty quickly and efficiently get into the side body lengthening which is necessary for our peak posture.

Easy Seat with Side Stretch Pose

How to get into Easy Seat with a Side Stretch:

  1. Sit on the floor with the right shin crossed in front of the left shin.
  2. Take your arms out into a T-shape. Turn your whole arm (from the shoulder down to your palms) up towards the ceiling.
  3. Shift your torso to the left and then laterally bend to bring your left hand down to the floor about a forearmā€™s length away from your hip.
  4. Sweep the right arm over your ear and reach towards the left side wall.
  5. Keep both sit bones grounded. Overtime you can walk the left hand out farther coming into a deeper side bend.

Supporting Pose 2: Triangle with Arm Overhead

Triangle is always a great pose to teach the straightness of the legs. Revolved head to knee has one straight leg and one folded leg, so this pose is appropriate in teaching the actions of the straight leg. The variation with the arm overhead gets us going in the same direction as the peak.

Woman Doing Triangle with Arm Overhead Pose

How to get into Triangle Pose with your Arm Overhead:

  1. Face the side wall and step or hop your feet apart about 3 feet in length.
  2. Turn the whole right leg (from hip to toes) towards the front of the room. Lift the toes and lift the kneecap up.
  3. Take your arms out into a T-shape and turn the arm bones up towards the ceiling like you did in easy seat above.
  4. Shift your torso to the right and then laterally bend to bring your right hand down to your shin or a block (on the outside of your leg). Once your hand reaches the shin/block, just turn your palm and forearm to connect the arm to whatever surface youā€™re using. The bicep should keep rolling forward.
  5. Sweep your left arm up and overhead and gaze underneath your arm towards the ceiling.

Supporting Pose 3: Half Squat Pose (Skandasana)

Half squat has one folded leg and one straight leg just like our peak pose! With this particular arm variation, you have one arm reaching towards the foot of the extended leg with the other arm over your head, also similar to our peak pose. Meaning, this here is a great prep pose for our grand finale.

How to get into Half Squat Pose:

  1. Start in a wide leg forward fold with your hands on the ground.
  2. Turn the back leg and toes out slightly and fold the leg.
  3. As you fold the leg and start to shift towards the back of the mat, turn the front leg and toes up towards the ceiling so both legs are externally rotated. Lengthen the front leg as much as possible so the heel can connect to the floor.
  4. Bring the back of the pelvis towards the floor and lift the chest and head up.
  5. Bring your hands into prayer shape.

Peak Pose: Revolved Head to Knee (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)

Revolved head to knee is a forward fold and a twist. I would say thereā€™s even a bit of a backbending element as well. Prana requires the body to be steady and strong and that the spine is supported in all directions making this the perfect posture for our discussion in prana.

Revolved Head to Knee Pose

How to get into Revolved Head to Knee Pose:

  1. Sit on the floor in a seated straddle position.
  2. Fold the right leg in half and externally rotate the leg so the knee is resting towards the floor. If the knee doesnā€™t touch the ground, you can bring a block or blanket under the knee.
  3. Keep the left leg extended as you spread the toes and lift the kneecap.
  4. Take your arms out into a T-shape and turn the arms and palms to face the sky.
  5. Shift your torso to the left and then laterally bend to bring your left forearm along the inner left shin. The traditional posture connects this hand to the inner arch of the foot.
  6. Sweep the right arm up and overhead to reach towards the front of the room in the direction of your left foot. The traditional posture connects this hand to the outer arch of the foot.
  7. There should now be a window created between your two arms. Using your exhale, turn your torso to the right, widen your elbows, and look underneath your right arm to the sky.

Sources: Light on Life by B.K.S. Iyengar

light on life book cover

Person in Goddess Pose

Weekly Class Theme: Kindness

By Yoga Teachers

Weā€™ve all heard the saying: ā€œkindness goes a long way.ā€ To be completely honest with you, I am not sure where that quote comes from but I do believe that I ascribe to it in my daily life. Any normal situation automatically becomes better when kindness is involved IMO. Buying a coffee and the barista is kind? Great coffee experience. Getting on public transit and the bus driver is kind? Normally nightmarish commute experiences are elevated. Receiving help from a kind retail associate? Iā€™m way more likely to enjoy my time and buy something.

If you ask me, there are few reasons to not be kind. Some might say that we donā€™t owe a stranger anything, but personally I believe that one act of kindness can create a ripple effect. This begs the question, where does kindness come from? How can we cultivate kindness?

Kindness, like most other ā€œpositiveā€ emotions, comes from the place where they all come from. Your own inner well of self-love. Yup, it always comes back to YOU. As a little experiment, this past month I focused on increasing this well of self-love and self-worth. And what do you know, I felt kinder not only to others, but to myself. This created a sort of feedback loop of kindness coming in and going out. I took time to notice my inner self talk. I reflected on the areas in which I was tolerating less than what I truly want. I enjoyed activities that make my heart feel free and aligned (lots of snuggling on the couch with my dog).

As I reflect on this work, I really do feel like a kinder human being and like that kindness is contributing to an overall better place for everyone.

Peak Pose: Goddess (Utkata Konasana)

Although maybe not a traditional Iyengar posture, Goddess pose is typically seen in Vinyasa style classes. While seemingly simple, the pose is quite vulnerable with the front body wide open. It requires a spreading of the chest and inner hip groins, which is quite opposite of the patterns normal life asks of us (generally speaking). The shape itself also symbolizes openness, receptivity, and surrender.

Supporting Pose 1: Bound Angle (Baddha Konasana)

Person in Bound Angle Pose

This is a great starting position to begin to get into the inner groin muscles. Coming from a seated position can be relatively accessible for participants and anyone can moderate how much they are folding, thereby moderating how intense the stretch is. Although itā€™s not pictured, a blanket under the bum might be comfortable and help to make the fold a bit more accessible.

How to:

  1. Sit on the ground with the soles of your feet together and knees wide.
  2. Take your hands to the bottom of your shins and fold forward. If possible, you can press your elbows into the inner thighs to widen the legs.
  3. Keep your spine long as you reach your heart over your feet.
  4. Once youā€™re at your edge for folding, allow your head to relax.

Supporting Pose 2: Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II

Whatā€™s easier than opening both inner hip groins? Opening one inner hip groin! Warrior II is not only great for generally preparing the body for Goddess, but it also helps to teach the actions of the open hip and open leg necessary for the peak pose. The spreading of the chest is also similar here as in our peak.

How to:

  1. Face the side wall and hop or step your feet about 3 feet wide.
  2. Turn the back toes in slightly and rotate the front toes, leg, and hip out to 90 degrees.
  3. Bend the front leg to 90 degrees so the thigh is parallel to the floor.
  4. Keep widening the inner thigh so the knee is going in the same direction as the second and third toe.
  5. Widen your arms towards the front and back of the room and take your gaze over your front hand.

Supporting Pose 3: Tree (Vrksasana)

Tree is another great hip opener (hip external rotation) which helps prepare the practitioner for Goddess pose.

How to:

  1. From mountain pose, stand on the left leg.
  2. Come to the ball of the right foot and externally rotate the right toes, leg, and hip out to face the side wall.
  3. Lift the right foot to the inner left groin.
  4. Press the right knee back in space to lengthen the inner thigh while remaining mindful that the right hip is in line with the left hip.
  5. Take the arms wide and up to the ceiling.

Peak Pose: Goddess (Utkata Konasana)

Person in Goddess Pose

How to:

  1. Face the side wall and hop or step the feet about 3 feet wide.
  2. Externally rotate both sets of toes, legs, and hips.
  3. Bend both legs to about 90 degrees. If you cannot fully bend to 90 degrees, or if you notice your knees are uncontrollably caving in, narrow your stance.
  4. Widen the knees to lengthen the inner thighs and bring the knees in line with the second and third toes. Be mindful that the pelvis remains under the chest.
  5. Take your arms out to sides and bend them to 90 degrees with the fingers facing upward.
  6. Breathe and welcome the moment. šŸ™‚

Weekly Class Theme: Vata

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teachers

Ayurveda is a science that helps you understand your own rhythms and the rhythms of the world around you. It’s often called the sister science to yoga because Ayurveda and yoga are meant tobe practiced together.

Yoga helps you tune into your soul and to the divine. It helps you understand the nature of your mind and access your heart so you can remember who you really are. The elements earth, fire, water, air, and ether are the building blocks that make up everything you experience here on earth through your senses. These elements are what combine to form The Doshas (governing forces that permeate everything in nature).

The Doshas Summarized:

  • Kapha Dosha is made up of earth and water and can be recognized as the part of you thatā€™s caring and nurturing.
  • Pitta Dosha is made up of fire and water and can be recognized as the part of you thatā€™s passionate and driven.
  • Vata Dosha is made up of air and ether and can be recognized as the part of you thatā€™s creative, imaginative, and social.

Understanding Vata Dosha

Vata Dosha is made of the elements air and ether and some of the qualities of Vata are cold, light, dry, mobile, subtle. Air is literally all around you and is always moving. When youā€™re in total stillness, you can still feel the air around your skin, eyes, nose, and ears. Ether is sometimes understood as space or this “stillness” I’m talking about here. Itā€™s what can “contain” or “hold”. When air and ether come together to create Vata Dosha, there is potential for creation and also a container to just be.

You can see Vata in you whenever you come up with a new idea or a different plan. Vata manifests as your ability to express, craft, and share. On the other end of that, Vata is also the only Dosha that moves, so this may lead to feelings of emptiness or lack. Excess Vata can also cause restlessness, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness.

One of the main principles of Ayurveda is:


For example, if itā€™s cold outside and youā€™re shivering, you will get colder if you drink ice cold water. If you drink hot tea, you will warm up because the tea is hot and thatā€™s the opposite of cold. Sometimes, we experience an overload of certain qualities and that Dosha will come out of balance.

When you come on to your yoga mat, you can balance out Vata Dosha by favoring a slower, more grounded practice that doesnā€™t involve too much uncertainty. A Vata-balancing practice can involve longer holds, deeper breaths, connecting to the foundations, and avoiding too many variations.

Vata Dosha & Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose)

Janu Sirsasana is a great pose to work towards in a class that is focused on balancing excess Vata. Itā€™s a perfect one for anytime youā€™re feeling frenetic, anxious, empty, like you canā€™t make a clear decision, or during the time of year when itā€™s more windy and dry. Janu Sirsasana is incredibly grounding, lengthening, and also a perfect pose to allow more focus on the breathing. Itā€™s also a pose that can he held for a longer time and a pose that provides the space to focus on how the breath can help lengthen your body and release what isnā€™t serving you anymore.

Supporting Pose 1: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

When prepping for a forward fold, itā€™s really nice to start to come into shapes that have the elements of the forward fold youā€™re working towards. For Janu Sirsasana, itā€™s helpful to begin opening up the hamstrings and becoming aware of the back of the leg. Itā€™s also important to understand how your leg straightens. It can be a little difficult to understand that the leg muscles need to engage in order to straighten the leg. There should also be an awareness and connection to your toes, which is something you can discover while on your back.

Woman in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) Variation: Reclined with a Strap

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) Variation: Reclined with a Strap

How to:

  1. Lie down on your back with a strap. If you donā€™t have a strap, you can always use a hand towel, scarf, or anything thatā€™s long enough to loop around your foot while keeping your leg long and your shoulders on the ground.
  2. Bend your knees and step your feet to the ground. From there, notice how your hips are hopefully pretty even and then bend one knee in towards your chest so you can loop your strap around the ball of your foot. As you extend your leg towards the sky, keep your foot slightly flexed and try your best to keep your shoulders on the ground. Engage your thigh to fully lengthen your leg.
  3. Lengthen your other leg out in front of you, keeping your heel on the ground. Slightly flex your foot and think about your pinky toe moving towards your ear. If you feel like extended this leg created an imbalance in your hips, just rebend your knee and step your foot back to the floor.
  4. Stay for a few cycles of breathing. You may engage your thighs with each inhale and then see what you can release through the backs of the legs with each exhale.

Supporting Pose 2: Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

This pose is a great teacher because itā€™ll ask you to begin to quiet your mind while also resisting any urge to move around and look around. When youā€™re in this pose, especially if you fold forward, it can be a very reflective time to focus on your breathing and to notice what parts of your body feel tight or open. You may even notice that as you stay in the pose, your breathing may slow down and in turn, your thoughts will slow down too.

Woman in Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

How to:Ā 

  1. Begin seated and bring the soles of your feet together, like youā€™re putting your feet in a “prayer” shape. If you need to sit up on a blanket or any kind of padding, please do so.
  2. Bring your heels as close to your torso as you can, without compromising your long spine and your ability to sit tall while breathing deeply.
  3. Press the pinky edge of your feet together (this the part of your feet that you feel on your yoga mat) and peel the inner edges of your feet apart. Imagine your feet are like a little book that youā€™re opening up slowly and gently. This will allow the inner thighs to soften.
  4. If youā€™d like to fold forward, softly extend forward of your feet. You may bring your hands to some blocks or walk them forward in front of you. Stay for a few cycles of breathing.

Supporting Pose 3: Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)

Paschimottanasana is another pose that will help you quiet your mind and prepare for Janu Sirsasana. Itā€™s a pose that asks you to reach forward into new space, while exposing your back body. This is often a metaphor for moving forward into the unknown while acknowledging that your past is behind you and youā€™re moving onward knowing you canā€™t change it.

Woman in Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)

How to:

  1. From a seated position, extend both legs out in front of you. If you need to sit up on something, elevate your seat so you can sit well and breathe deeply.
  2. Do your best to keep your legs straight, but itā€™s okay if you need to have a slight bend in your knees. Take a peek at your toes and imagine your little pinky toes can slightly reach back towards your ears. This will help activate your feet.
  3. Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to extend over your legs. Try to lengthen your spine with each inhale and release over your legs with each exhale. Your hands may be beside your legs or at your feet.

Peak Pose: Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose)

Woman in Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose)

Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose)

How to:

  1. Sit tall and take padding beneath your seat if you need.
  2. Extend your right leg forward and bring the sole of your left food to your inner, upper right thigh. Try your best to keep your extended leg in front of you, as opposed to out to the side.
  3. As you breathe in, lengthen your spine and turn towards your extended leg. As you breathe out, turn a bit more while sitting tall.
  4. As you fold over your extended leg, continue to lengthen your spine with every breath in and revolve towards that extended leg with every breath out. You may place your hands around your extended leg or keep them closer to your hips.
  5. Try to focus on your breathing as you remain for a few cycles of breath. Perhaps think of something youā€™d like to focus on more with every inhale and something that youā€™d like to release with every exhale.

Whether itā€™s Vata season or you feel you or your students are working with excess Vata, focusing on grounding poses like forward folds can be transformational. Adding breathing cues into your practice can also help balance out the franticness that often comes with excess Vata.

Child's Pose on a yoga mat

8 Yoga Poses to Help Ease Period Pain

By Lifestyle & Wellness, Yoga Asana

If youā€™re someone who goes through a monthly cycle, you have probably at one point or another experienced ā€œperiod painā€ or PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Period pain arises from a shift in hormones due to the different phases of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms can include but are not limited to cramping, headaches, nausea, and body pain like lower back pain or breast tenderness. Other symptoms related to the menstrual cycle can also include fatigue, food cravings, acne, bloating, and mood swings.

An average cycle lasts somewhere between 28 and 31 days. Actual menstruation, which is the shedding of the lining of oneā€™s uterus after pregnancy has not taken place, is bioindividual and can last 3 to 7 days. Whether youā€™re experiencing ā€œperiod painā€ during your actual menstrual phase or in a different phase of your cycle (itā€™s common to experience pain during the luteal phase), itā€™s not uncommon to ignore our symptoms and ā€œpush past them,ā€ accept them as part of our fate, and/or to treat them like the enemy. Contrary to what we may believe, it can be deeply healing to acknowledge and embrace any and all symptoms and to honor our cycle and therefore our connection with Self.

Hormone shifts happen throughout the whole cycle. It should be noted that intense chronic pain from oneā€™s period is often the result of hormonal imbalances which can be regulated with some lifestyle changes (think exercise, diet & nutrition, and time/energy management). Oneā€™s yoga practice can meet us at all phases of the cycle and certainly help to honor and accept our bodies, even on the days where cramps, bloating, and fatigue may be present. And while these poses may not fully heal any pain, they can certainly help one to slow down, respect oneā€™s body, and settle into the intuitive and feminine nature of oneā€™s period.

1. Child’s Pose (Bālāsana)

Child's Pose on a yoga mat

Child’s Pose (Sanskrit: Bālāsana)

Childā€™s pose is probably my number 1 go-to when I am feeling tired, bloated, and/or crampy. Having the belly facing the floor feels nice for protecting the vital organs, while at the same time letting the belly fully extend towards the ground between the legs. The head down on the ground can feel soothing for headaches or overall fatigue.

2. Cat/Cow (Marjaryasana)

Cow Pose – drop the belly, lift the gaze & chest

Cat pose

Cat pose – round the spine, tuck the navel

The sequence of cow and cat is great for bringing fluidity into breath and body in a very gentle and familiar manner. It might be all the fluid movement you need to connect to your body.

3. High Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

Person on a yoga mat in High Lunge with Back Knee Bent

High Lunge (Sanskrit: Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

If youā€™re seeking a bit more ā€œhigh energyā€ movement, high lunge is nice to incorporate. I like high lunge because itā€™s a closed hip position and offers the variation of having the back knee up or down depending on how you are feeling. If youā€™re not feeling up for this posture, skip it!

4. Wide Leg Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Wide Leg Forward Fold

Wide Leg Forward Fold (Sanskrit: Prasarita Padottanasana)

If youā€™re sequencing a flow for yourself, going from high lunge to wide leg forward fold might be all the standing poses you need. If you want to sequence a standing pose that isnā€™t high lunge, this one may be perfectly adequate. Like childā€™s pose, having the head towards the floor may help to ease tension in the head while usage of the legs to fold may also release tension in the lower back.

5. Supported Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvāį¹…gāsana)

Supported Bridge pose

Supported Bridge (Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvāį¹…gāsana)

Supported bridge is a nice option for a gentle backbend. It might be our tendency to want to fold into ourselves when weā€™re not feeling our best, so spreading the chest and opening the fronts of the hips with the block can be just what we need to allow the front body to widen.

6. Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Supine Twist

Supine Twist (Sanskrit: Supta Matsyendrasana)

Supine twist is an easy and gentle way to bring some movement towards the belly. This might feel good if youā€™re feeling crampy or bloated and this posture (when done with the knees left first) encourages the movement of digestion. You might use props here with a blanket under your knees or between your knees if you are needing some extra support.

7. Pigeon (Kapotasana)

Pigeon pose

Pigeon Pose (Sanskrit: Kapotasana)

Any forward folding posture feels good for me in my body when I am in my menstrual phase. Not only do the physical postures themselves feel good, but the forward folding postures encourage one to look inward. Itā€™s always best to listen to oneself in order to truly honor oneself, especially as it comes with shifting phases. For these reasons, I love pigeon pose when I have my period. In addition, if any low back pain or stiffness is present sometimes getting into the hips can bring about a fluidness to the body.

8. Corpse Pose (śavāsana)

Savasana on a yoga mat on the floor

Corpse Pose (Sanskrit: śavāsana)

Thereā€™s truly nothing like savasana, especially during the menstrual phase. You might consider giving yourself longer rest time when you have your period. Use any and all props under or over your body to support your journey inward.


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