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YogaRenew Announces: Practice with Patrick

By Yoga Asana

Practice with Patrick


Here at YogaRenew, we understand how important it is to maintain a daily yoga practice. But we also understand that life can get in the way. That’s why we’re rolling out our brand new service: Practice with Patrick! With this new service, Patrick Franco will visit you every day, live and in-person, no matter where you are… He’s been visiting thousands of people on a daily basis, and we’re thrilled to roll this amazing service out to our global audiences!

To subscribe for this service, you’ll simply need to live in a world where this isn’t an April Fool’s Day joke!  ……But until then you can practice with Patrick through our app, available on iPhone or Android.


Girl practicing yoga in a class

*6* Secrets to Being Good at Yoga

By Yoga Asana

Breathe. A lot. 

Breathwork is such a core, fundamental part of yoga and I don’t think it gets the hype that it deserves. Breathing properly and really being conscious of the way you breathe can drastically affect how impactful your practice is and will continue to be in the future. Even if you aren’t mastering complex poses like Tree Pose and Bow Pose or even handstands, if you can at least control your breathing, you’ve accomplished something major.

Practice. Even when you’re not practicing.

Try to stretch and move when you’re home. If you’re taking yoga classes two or three times a week… or maybe it’s once a week or sporadically when you can fit it into your schedule – try to take what you learn in class and apply it at home, the gym, or wherever else you want to move your body. Yoga provides the basics of (in the simplest terms) stretching. As long as you’re moving your body, it will help keep your muscles mobile for when you do decide to hit the mat.

Try new things!

Yoga poses are like ice cream flavors, the more you try, the more you may find you love! Keep attempting new things – even if you’re scared or nervous, start slowly. A lot of yoga poses seem very intimidating, but I think you’ll find that the more often you practice, the more flexible you’ll become, thus leading you to mastering certain poses. Who doesn’t love trying new ice cream flavors?! 

Honor yourself.

This can look wildly different for people. What centers you? What keeps you motivated? What shakes you to your core? What inspires you about yoga? Yoga practice starts with you. Okay, so maybe we cheated a little bit, because this isn’t really a secret, but this really is YOUR practice. When people channel their inner desires, goals, and what yoga brings to them, they end up being more immersed in their practice and form a deeper connection with themselves through it.

Fall. Stumble. Take it slow.

Look – three secrets in one heading! We’re really giving it away at this point. But seriously, you’re going to fall. You’re going to struggle. It’s all a part of the process. If you’re not “cool with falling” then you’re not totally down with yoga. I can’t tell you how many classes I’ve repeatedly taken where I actually thought I’d master every pose, every transition, only to find out I was spending the majority of classes taking Child’s Pose because my body was tumbling over so often. The best part is, I wasn’t mad, because after every single time, it’s brought me one step closer towards mastering poses I didn’t think I would master as quickly as I did. It was allowing myself space to mess up where I created faith for me to grow and actually learn!

Seek a mentor – even if it’s on YouTube.

I think we all know how amazing Yoga with Adriene is. She’s made yoga accessible for pretty much everyone. This secret is probably the most important. People want to feel comfortable when they hit their mat. They want to know there are practices out there that are tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s yoga for sleep, yoga for aches and pains, or yoga to help keep the kids occupied at home, the internet is a great place to turn to for content. From there, there are countless yogis that you can aspire to be like or utilize their content in a way that’s perfectly suited for you! We love that there are so many resources out there now, especially on YouTube.

Patrick Franco aligning a yoga student

Yoga for Beginners

By Lifestyle & Wellness, Yoga Asana

Yoga has evolved since its inception in the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. It has since then taken on many forms, evolved into variations beyond itself and yet somehow remained deeply rooted in the foundation of movement and moving (or sitting still) with meaning. 

Yoga is such a philosophical practice – one where people from all walks of life can pretty much morph to fit their personal journey, spiritually and physically. People practice yoga for many different reasons, including: spiritual enlightenment, purposeful and intention-filled living, physical wellness, aiding in an injury or ailment, and much, much more. The benefits of incorporating yoga into an everyday lifestyle has been vast and varied. Everyday, more and more people take to their mats in hope to enhance their lives… in whatever shape or form that may be.

Yoga History 101

The philosophy of yoga is arguably the most important element of the practice of yoga. The history and how the practice of yoga came to be sets the foundation for which we practice today. It is important to pay homage to the roots of yoga, where yoga originated and the fundamental people involved in teaching this practice and spreading it to other parts of the world. Yoga, like anything else adopted from other cultures, has its roots in a specific part of the world. The teachings since then have migrated to the Western world and learned to take root here in a community willing to breathe life into what once was only practiced in India.

Google Arts & Culture said:

“Where does yoga come from?

Yoga’s origins can be traced to northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in ancient sacred texts called the Rig Veda. The Vedas are a set of four ancient sacred texts written in Sanskrit. The Rig Veda is the earliest amongst the vedas and is a collection of over a thousand hymns and mantras in ten chapters known as mandalas, which were used by Vedic age priests. Yoga was refined and developed by Rishis (sages) who documented their practices and beliefs in the Upanishads, a huge work containing over 200 scriptures.

Yoga is amongst the six schools of philosophy in Hinduism, and is also a major part of Buddhism and its meditation practices. You can find out more about the history of yoga here, from the Shri Yogendra Museum of Classical Yoga – the world’s first museum dedicated to yoga.”

Basic Yoga Poses

We’ve heard them before and we almost ALL know them by name, whether English or Sanskrit, even those who haven’t practiced yoga before. The terms for certain poses and positions have made their way into the world as being common words, used in conversations pretty often. Let’s explore 10 of the more basic yoga poses:

Downward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog

How To: Start in a high plank position with your hands and feet hip-width apart. Take a deep inhale and on the exhale, press back through your hands, bending at the waist, lifting your hips back to a nice peak. Inhale again and tiptoe up, then on the exhale try to press your heels to the mat and continue to walk them out. Press through your hands and heels as you lift your hips at their peak. Relax your head and keep your core engaged.

Tree PoseTree Pose

How To: Stand with your feet planted on the ground, making sure your toes are deeply rooted in the mat, finding balance. While one foot remains planted, lift your other foot and turn it out, opening your hip. Lift your leg above your knee joint, resting on your inner thigh, anywhere between your pubic bone and knee. From there, your arms go out and overhead with your palms together. Gaze straight out ahead. 


How To: Come into final relaxation by laying on the floor on your back. Reach both legs out long, hips distance apart. Allow the neck to be long and head to be heavy, with your arms out by your side, palms facing up.

Child’s PoseChild's Pose

How To: Face the top of your mat and rest on your shins with your legs tucked under. Take your knees as wide as your yoga mat. Keep your big toes touching and pointing straight back underneath you. Keep your hips connected to your heels and walk your hands forward, all the way out until your arms are straight out in front of you. Let your forehead rest on your mat and your ribs rest on your thighs.

Happy BabyHappy Baby Pose

How To: Lay down on your back with your knees bent and both of your feet out in front of you. Lift your knees into your chest, reach your hands inside of your knees and grab hold of the outer edges of your feet. Guide your knees in towards your armpits, take your feet out wide and breathe into your hips. Let your low back descend towards the floor and breathe.

Cat & Cow PoseCat Cow Pose

How To: Start on all fours with your hands stacked under your shoulders and knees hip-distance apart. Drop your belly, lift your tailbone, slide your shoulders down your back away from your ears and look up. This first movement is cow pose, done on an inhale. When you exhale, rainbow your spine up towards the ceiling, hook tailbone hooks down, low belly hooks up, shoulder blades spread apart. Inhale, cow, exhale, cat.

Pigeon Pose

Pigeon Pose

How To: Begin in a plank position with your hands beneath your shoulders and feet behind you, hip-width apart. Take your right knee to your right elbow, set that knee down and open the right ankle towards your left wrist. Set your right leg down, flip your toes under and walk your hip out. Tuck your toes back under and bring your hands to both sides of your hips. Gently press through your fingertips and lift and open your chest. Gaze forward and sit to stretch open your hips. Repeat with the left leg.

Chair PoseChair Pose

How To: Stand with your feet together. Bend your knees as your hips move back. Lift your chest and move your arms up alongside your ears, palms facing in. Gaze forward, lift your chin away from your chest.

Warrior OneWarrior One

How To: Stand on your mat the long way with your feet about 3 ½ to 4 feet apart, toes facing forward. The front leg turns all the way out, while the back leg turns at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your feet line up heel to heel with your chest turning towards your front leg, bending the knee of the front leg to go over the heel. Keep your back leg straight, lift your arms up by your ears, bringing your palms together. Set your gaze looking up at your thumbs.

Warrior TwoWarrior Two

How To: Start by standing with your feet spread apart (the same you would in Warrior I). Turn your entire right leg out so the heel bisects the arch of your left foot. Spread your arms out into a T-shape with your arms shoulder distance high, fully extended through your fingertips so the collarbone and chest stays open. Bend your right leg so that your knee is right over your heel. Keep your back leg straight, chest lifted and be sure your knee is over your heel. Focus your gaze over your right fingertips.

Where/When Can You Start Practicing Yoga?

Studios, virtual classes, retreats – oh my! There’s so many ways to engage in the practice of yoga and so many outlets to immerse yourself in this ancient philosophy. Now more than ever, yoga has translated to a digital space and become even more accessible. 

Pick a Studio or Practice Online

A lot of people prefer to practice in-person first. During the COVID-19 outbreak, however, many people were reluctant to visit a physical location and this resulted in the demand for physical studios to start recording classes virtually or perform them live over Zoom and other online platforms. 

Here is a video series we compiled of all of our beginner level yoga classes:

If this is your first time signing up for a yoga class, apps like Mindbody help to discover yoga studios in your area as well as book a class, view class schedules and see the names of the instructors giving the classes. Or, you can turn to YouTube and find a plethora of free, accessible online yoga videos.

Pay to get Certified

If you end up really loving yoga and decide you want to further your education and practice, a yoga instructor certification course might be the perfect route. Nowadays, you can become certified through practicing at a studio, or find an affordable, completely online yoga certification program so you can practice and learn at your own pace. 

A yoga teacher certification would help support you if at any point you decided you wanted to open your own studio. Being certified also reflects the journey one takes to further understand yoga and its roots – this can be incredibly rewarding and beneficial for those who incorporate yoga into their daily lives.

Choose a Retreat 

Retreats are an essential part of practicing yoga and expand beyond the realm of just simply doing yoga. Yoga retreats are a great way to experience parts of the practice that aren’t typically focused on when attending classes or even yoga certification programs. 

A couple of things you engage in during yoga retreats are:

  • New settings and environments: Retreats oftentimes are hosted outside of the country, in beautiful places.
  • Meeting new people: Yogis from all over participate in retreats. Taking part in a retreat is a great way to meet people from your studio/online classes on a deeper level but also a great way to meet some new faces in the yoga community!
  • Trying new foods and activities: Yoga instructors put a lot of thought into their retreats. They want to make the experience as wholesome as possible, this includes eating well and taking care of your body outside of the practice of yoga.
  • A chance for relaxation and a mental break: Unplug from your typical digital lifestyle. During retreats you can physically “turn off” devices and even turn off the parts of your brain linked to stressors from your daily hustle & bustle.

It’s Never too Late to Start

Exploring yoga can be one of the most rewarding things you do for yourself. These basic poses and fundamentals about the practice are just two focal points of the vast amount of elements covered in yoga. If you have further questions or are simply curious about the benefits of yoga, check out these credible links/websites:

New York Times: Yoga for Beginners

Yoga Basics: Yoga for Beginners

Self: Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga Blogs you should be following!

Girl in online yoga teacher training class

Online Yoga Teacher Training Dos & Don’ts

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Teachers

We’ve heard of Dos & Don’ts before… but have we heard of the online yoga edition? In this article, we’ll cover some basic elements of what you should and shouldn’t be doing during your online yoga teacher training to help you get the most out of your program!


Create space for yourself. When you’re engaging in a course that requires you to carve out specific time to study and practice, it’s important to allow fluctuation. Remember to give yourself space and allow yourself to make adjustments that work for you! Time management can sometimes be overwhelming. Be patient with yourself as you navigate that.


Don’t compare yourself to other students or teachers. This journey is uniquely your own. Everything you learn throughout these online yoga courses are specific to your learning experience. If you start comparing yourself to how other people manage their time, hit certain poses, or digest information, you’ll always feel like you’re competing. When we look outward, we forget the passion we hold inward, and the attention we should be pouring into our own practice gets clouded by the need to go by other peoples’ progress. 


Reach out for help. In this world, we’ve had to adjust greatly to translating everything to an online environment – this has been extremely challenging for physical activities like yoga. Being patient and realizing you have resources to depend on will always help you. Remember that you possess the power to put your practice into motion, but it’s the community aspect of yoga that keeps us interconnected and builds us up when we feel confused or overwhelmed.


Forget about your studies. Being back in a learning environment can be tough; learning new materials and learning an abundance of new material can be shocking and may cause your brain to feel a little jumbled. When your brain is feeling a little frazzled, take a step back and reevaluate how you are choosing to digest the information and the frequency in which you are. Perhaps you just need to dedicate a little more physical time on your mat, or maybe you need to dig a little deeper into the vocabulary and the philosophy behind the practice. Whatever it is, make sure you are checking back in with the materials often. Make sure that you are sitting with your mat, often. Enrolling in online yoga teacher training is a commitment, but it can mold to your specific lifestyle.


Value your teachings. Sometimes when we don’t have a physical thing to hold, it can be hard to appreciate it. While the physical materials in an online yoga teacher training are limited, the wealth of knowledge you gain is plentiful. Remember to harness your teachings, however you can. Sit and reflect how this yoga teacher training is helping you elevate to your higher self. Realize the wisdom you hold and the wisdom you gain each and every day you make it a point to learn and practice. Paying for a course means nothing if you can’t find the true value in all that you’re doing. The world of yoga is so vast and has been expanding more and more as time goes on. Grow with the teachings, grow with yourself, show up, stay present and honor all that your brain takes in, even after the teachings are over.


Forget why you started. Becoming certified in yoga can look different for many different people. The most important part for any individual is their “why.” Why did you decide to enroll in online yoga teacher training? Remembering why you started in the first place can help keep you on track. 


Thank yourself. YOU brought yourself here. You signed up for the course. All of the work you complete throughout your time in these yoga programs you are doing for YOU. No one is taking attendance, no one is checking in to see how much time you are dedicating to the practice; you are in complete control of your own outcome and what you take away from this journey. 

If you’ve ever been interested in enrolling for online yoga teacher training courses, hopefully these pointers were valuable for you!


Yogi on mat outside in Rishikesh

5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Completing Your 200HR YTT

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Teachers

1. How much time do I have to dedicate to being in school again?

It’s important to know your daily routine… even if you’re not a routine person. Having a good understanding of your schedule and your personal time management will help you decide where you can allot time for learning. While online yoga teacher training tends to be more flexible because you don’t have to include travel time, it’s still crucial to figure out where you can carve out the time.

Yoga students just starting their journey towards becoming a certified yoga instructor usually begin with a 200 hour training course. This is the baseline course and allows you to explore what time management might look like for you. After a 200 hour certification, you can build upon it and move to 300 and 500 hour.

Look into calculating when you’d like to be certified, then determine how many hours a week you can dedicate to practicing and learning. Organizing and planning out your yoga schedule and seeing how it fits with other aspects of your life (hours-wise) will make it easier to see how much time you realistically have to put towards enrolling in school again.

2. What is my budget like for completing an online yoga teacher training course?

Enrolling in an online yoga teacher training course tends to be more cost-efficient. You don’t have the added fees that come with being in and commuting to a physical studio. Completing your yoga teacher training online also provides the added benefits of virtual learning materials (i.e. Zoom meetings, downloadable PDFs and collaborative documents online). Online yoga teacher trainings also offer promos and deals to attract students to committing to an online program versus a physical program. 

You should commit to purchasing items necessary for the course if you don’t already have the basics. Here are the average costs of yoga items you may need for your teacher training course:

  • Yoga blocks: $10-$40
  • Yoga mats: $30-$100
  • Yoga blankets: $40-$60
  • Clothing & gear: $15-$200

Not all of these items are necessary; as long as you have stretchy, breathable clothes and a mat and blocks, I’d say you’re more than prepared for a 200 hour yoga teacher training program.

3. Why do I want to become yoga certified?

What inspired you to take this journey? A lot of people believe that a yoga certification is just simply something good to have – they have been passionate about yoga and see a certification as a way to engage deeper with the meaning of why they practice yoga. Other people are on their path towards owning their own studio. Whatever your reason is for enrolling, make sure that it comes with purpose.

A 200 hour yoga teacher training is the perfect place to start. Through a 200HR YTT, you can determine how far you want to take your yoga journey. Just like any other school, there is always more to learn. A yoga certification is always a good thing to have if your passion for yoga is something that will always be a part of your life.

4. What are the teachings covered in most 200 hour programs?

Practicing regularly will obviously enhance your flexibility, movements, flow, etc. But enrolling in a 200HR YTT will give you the educational aspects that will assist you in developing classes and deepening your understanding of the history of yoga. Most 200HR YTT include all of the basics:

  • Breathwork
  • The history of yoga
  • Basic yoga poses
  • Meditation
  • Anatomy
  • Sequencing
  • The 7 Chakras

5. Is this the right beginning step for me to follow my dreams of becoming a yoga instructor?

Yes. When you commit to a 200 hour yoga teacher training, you will be well on your way towards fulfilling most, if not all, of your yoga dreams. A 200 hour course is the perfect way to get serious about your yoga teacher certification goals and determine what types of materials and teachings would be best for your very own class.

Begin your YTT journey, today!

Finding the right online yoga teacher training can be quite a cumbersome task. Be sure to do your research and make sure the school has everything you are looking for and you feel comfortable with the curriculum. At YogaRenew, we offer online yoga teacher trainings and courses that explore many different branches of yoga, meditation and more.

Join our mailing list for incredible weekly content!

Yoga Quotes

10 Yoga Quotes to Inspire Your Practice

By Lifestyle & Wellness, Yoga Asana

Paulo Coelho Quote

1.“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho

Maggie Kuhn Quote

2. “Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind – even if your voice shakes.” – Maggie Kuhn

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Quote

3. “All the happiness there is in the world arises from wishing others to be happy.” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Quote

4. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Dalai Lama Quote

5. “Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

Ram Dass Quote

6. “You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success – none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.” – Ram Dass

Jon Kabat-Zinn Quote

7. “We can take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

B.K.S. Iyengar Quote

8. “Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

Albert Einstein Quote

9. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quote

10. “Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Online yoga teacher training student

4 Tips for Staying Focused in Online Yoga Teacher Training

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Teachers

Wondering how to stay ‘cool as a cucumber’ during your yoga certification? Follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Create a Schedule

Schedule a weekly time to login and work on the training; it can be once a week or multiple times a week, but it should be consistent and fit your schedule. Creating a regular appointment on your calendar for you to stick to will greatly help you commit to your learning.

2. Connect

Connect with other people in the course on social media or through daily Zoom sessions to help hold yourself accountable and find a means of support outside yourself.

3. Reward Yourself

Make sure you reward yourself along the way. Whether you’re completing specific sections or milestones within the course, it’s important to celebrate your successes.

4. Set a Goal

Goals are great for actually putting things into motion. Set a goal for your graduation date and try to keep yourself on track to hit that goal. If life gets in the way and you fall off the wagon at any point, give yourself some grace and be gentle with yourself. The important thing to remember is the course will always be there for you to come back to. Don’t let returning to the course be a hurdle; if you’ve missed a few weeks, try to come back and watch just one video.

You’re doing this for you… make it worth it.

Girl becoming certified for yoga online

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher Online

By Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Teachers

You’ve decided you want to further your yoga career, now what?

There are a couple things that will prepare you for your journey towards becoming a yoga instructor. Let’s explore all of the things necessary to get your yoga certification virtually, efficiently and in a way that’s perfect for you!

“I’m passionate about yoga…”

You’re the yogi who has experimented with every type of yoga: Ashtanga, Yin,Vinyasa, Restorative, Bikram, Hot Yoga, and others but you’re ready to zone in and take the next step. Perhaps one of them really clicked with you and you want to perfect your practice in a specific type, or perhaps you want to move through the natural progression of higher hour courses. You’ve decided your passion sits deeper than just attending classes at your local studio twice a week and you really believe you can foster the skills to be able to lead a group of people in a yoga class.

Search for the right yoga school

Research, research, research. Since the pandemic, a lot of aspects in our lives have moved to an online atmosphere and we have been forced to adapt to virtual learning. When debating whether or not to attend school online, it’s important to evaluate what the learning environment will look like…which can be difficult when it comes to something physical, like yoga.

Learning yoga online can be a whole different world for many people. A lot of online courses will supply you with printable materials, access to videos you can watch from the comfort of your home and as frequently as you’d like to, and interactive Zoom meetings where you can engage with students and teachers. 

When selecting the school that’s right for you you should:

  • Determine what type of courses they offer, e.g. Yin, Vinyasa, 200HR YTT, 300HR YTT, 500HR YTT
  • Evaluate what type of materials are important to you and whether or not the online yoga school provides them
  • Read reviews and research their values and credibility
    • Are they registered with Yoga Alliance?
    • Do their values as a studio align with your own personal ethics and understanding of the philosophy of yoga and its teachings?
    • Do they have a lot of positive feedback and student testimonials to help support their brand?
  • Check to see if their website and teaching platform is easy to use and navigate
  • Check overall pricing and any pricing plans they have put into place, along with insurance and financing options best fit to your budget/lifestyle
  • Meet the instructors virtually via their website or socials to see if you like their teaching style
  • If they have any videos up on YouTube – even better! 

Put it into practice

Once you’ve selected your school, it’s important to become dedicated and immersed into your teachings and learnings. Students that tend to excel in online yoga certification programs allow themselves the space to practice frequently but also bring their practice off the mat into their daily lives where applicable.

A good online yoga teacher training school will not only give you high quality virtual training, but they will also provide you with additional readings and information valuable for turning yoga into a lifestyle. The more materials and resources, the better. Not only can these resources help you to learn more, but they can act as a guide for how you want to lead your own classes.

You’re back in school again, for all the right reasons!

Build upon your training: 200HR YTT, 300HR YTT, 500HR YTT, etc.

Following a sequence of being certified for 200, 300 and 500 hours can really help you build upon your practice and master all the intricate facets of yoga. The natural progression of the compounding hours exposes you to intimate details of what it means to become a yoga instructor. It’s important that you feel comfortable in advancing in courses as you move through your online yoga teachings.

  • 200HR YTT: The basic, fundamental skills of being a certified yoga instructor
  • 300HR YTT: A deeper, more intricate understanding of being a certified yoga instructor
  • 500HR YTT: A combination of a 200HR YTT and 300HR YTT training

What happens after I become a certified yoga instructor online?

Create your class

Find interesting, engaging content for how you want to lead your classes. You’ll have learned a lot of information throughout your yoga teacher training certification course, which you can translate over to your teachings.

Make sure your classes are structured in a way that’s true to your practice, but also make your classes accessible. People can oftentimes find yoga very intimidating. Don’t you want to be known as the studio or virtual studio that welcomes everyone? Sometimes “you wanna go where everybody knows your name…”

Attract your people

Planet Fitness has bagel Mondays and pizza Thursdays, and while people know they’re there to workout and get in shape, they are VERY thankful for the extra carbs. Perhaps you want people that are enticed to try yoga but never really had anything forcing them to actually partake. Think of something fun and invigorating that will make them take that initial step…or start coming to you as their neighborhood yoga spot. If your class is online, think of ways to set yourself apart so that you aren’t competing with better established online yogis.

A couple of interesting concepts to try when attracting people to your yoga classes are:

  1. Run promos – This can be ANYTHING, like, free sage bundles after practice, your first class has a drop-in fee of only $5, discounts for students (if you’re in a college town or reaching an audience online where you know colleges are present), or run a 30-day unlimited special (virtually or in a studio).
  2. Set yourself apart – Capitalize on your strong-suits. Yoga is hyper focused on the body and mind. There are so many creative ways to tap into that. Yoga classes that offer readings, or even a deep meditation at the end bring back the classic elements of fusing your body, mind and spirit together. 

Market your business 

AOL may have started the online revolution, but COVID-19 surely accelerated it in terms of operating businesses. The internet is probably going to be your heaviest hitter for attracting new business and retaining business alike. Make sure you’re engaging with people through active socials – i.e. Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and at the root of it all, a powerful website. Make sure you have someone solely dedicated to your online presence. Constant content and engaging content will make your audience feel more connected with you and your brand.

If you’re deciding to get certified to just be a teacher at an already existing studio or for a studio that offers online teachings, be sure that people know your name. You want people to have reasons to come to your class over other peoples’. People want to take classes with ‘the girl next door’, not literally but in a sense of, “hey, I know this person,” and they feel safe enough with you. Again, yoga can be intimidating, let’s make it easy and exciting for them!

Loving Kindness Metta Meditation

By Meditation

May I be happy, May I be safe, May my life be blessed with ease. Lindsay Monal guides you through a Loving Kindness Meditation using affirmations and visuals of green light to open the heart chakra. You’ll practice sending love to yourself and then to others in your life. No prior experience necessary.